Journal Publications
Cebry, S. B. L., and McLaskey, G., C. (2024) Heterogeneous high frequency seismic radiation from complex ruptures, Seismica, 3.2, pdf
Kammer, D. S., McLaskey, G. C. Abercrombie, R. E., Ampuero, J.-P., Cattania, C., Cocco, M., Dal Zilio, L., Dresen, G., Gabriel, A.-A., Ke, C.-Y., Marone, C., Selvadurai, P. A., and Tinti, E. (2024) Earthquake energy dissipation in a fracture mechanics framework, Nature Communications, 15:4736. link
Song, J.Y., McLaskey, G.C. (2024) Laboratory earthquake ruptures contained by velocity strengthening fault patches, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 129, e2023JB028509 pdf
Song, J.Y., Dass, A., Moridi, A., McLaskey, G.C. (2024) Detection of defects during laser-powder interaction by acoustic emission sensors and signal characteristics, Additive Manufacturing 82, 104035 pdf
Cebry, S. B. L., Sorhaindo, K., McLaskey, G., C. (2023) Laboratory earthquake rupture interactions with a high normal stress bump, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128, e2023JB027297 pdf
Cebry, S. B. L., Ke, C.-Y., Shreedharan, S., Marone, C., Kammer, D.S., McLaskey, G., C. (2022) Creep fronts and complexity in laboratory earthquake sequences illuminate delayed triggering, Nature Communications 13, 6839.pdf, supplement
Cebry, S. B. L., Ke, C.-Y., McLaskey, G., C. (2022) The Role of Background Stress State in Fluid-Induced Aseismic Slip and Dynamic Rupture on a 3-meter Laboratory Fault, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024371. pdf
Bolton, D. C., Shreedharan, S., McLaskey, G. C., Rivière J., Shokouhi, P., Trugman, D. T., Marone, C. (2022) The High-Frequency Signature of Slow and Fast Laboratory Earthquakes, J. of Geophys. Res. 127, e2022JB024170. pdf
Wu, B. S and McLaskey, G.C. (2022) Testing earthquake nucleation length scale with Pawnee aftershocks, Seismological Research Letters 93, 2147-2160 pdf . supplement
Ke, C.-Y., McLaskey, G. C., Kammer, D S. (2022) Earthquake breakdown energy scaling despite constant fracture energy, Nature Communications 13: 1005 pdf, supplement
Cebry, S. B. L. and McLaskey, G. C. (2021) Seismic swarms produced by rapid fluid injection into a low permeability laboratory fault, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 557, 116726 pdf
Ke, C.-Y., McLaskey, G. C., Kammer, D S. (2021) The Earthquake Arrest Zone, Geophys. J. Int. 224, 581–589 pdf
Brodsky, E. E., G. C. McLaskey, Ke, C.-Y. (2020) Groove Generation and Coalescence on a Large-Scale Laboratory Fault, AGU Advances 1, e2020AV000184 pdf
Beeler, N.M., McLaskey, G.C., Lockner, D. A., Kilgore, B. D (2020) Near-fault velocity spectra from laboratory failures and their relation to natural ground motion, Journal of Geophysical Research 125, e2019JB017638 doi:10.1029/2019JB017638 pdf
McLaskey, G. C. (2019) Earthquake Initiation from Laboratory Observations and Implications for Foreshocks, Journal of Geophysical Research 124 pdf
Wu, B. S., and and McLaskey, G. C. (2019) Contained Laboratory Earthquakes Ranging from Slow to Fast, Journal of Geophysical Research 124. pdf
Kammer, D. S., and McLaskey, G. C. (2019) Fracture energy estimates from large-scale laboratory earthquakes, Earth and Planetary Sciences Letters 511, 36-43 pdf
Ke, C.-Y., McLaskey, G. C., Kammer, D. S. (2018) Rupture Termination in Laboratory-Generated Earthquakes. Geophysical Research Letters 45, 12784-12792 pdf supplement
McLaskey, G. C. and Lockner, D. A. (2018) Shear failure of a granite pin traversing a sawcut fault. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 110, 97-110 pdf
Wu. B. S, and McLaskey, G. C (2018) Broadband calibration of acoustic emission and ultrasonic sensors utilizing generalized ray theory and finite element models. Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 37:8,
McLaskey, G. C., and Yamashita, F., (2017) Slow and fast ruptures on a laboratory fault controlled by loading characteristics, Journal of Geophysical Research 122, DOI 10.1002/2016JB013681 pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Lockner, D. A., (2016) Calibrated Acoustic Emission System Records M -3.5 to M -8 Events Generated on a Saw-Cut Granite Sample. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49, 4527-4536, DOI 10.1007/s00603-016-1082-1 pdf
McLaskey, G. C., Kilgore, B. D., and Beeler, N. M. (2015) Slip-pulse rupture behavior on a 2 meter granite fault. Geophysical Research Letters 42, doi:10.1002/2015GL065207. pdf supplement
McLaskey, G. C., Lockner, D. A., Kilgore, B. D., and Beeler, N. M. (2015) A robust calibration technique for acoustic emission systems based on momentum transfer from a ball drop. Bull. Seis. Soc. Am. 105, 257-271 doi: 10.1785/0120140170 pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Lockner, D. A., (2014) Preslip and cascade processes initiating laboratory stick-slip. Journal of Geophysical Research, 119, 6323-6336 pdf
McLaskey, G. C., Kilgore, B. D, Lockner, D. A., and Beeler, N. M. (2014) Laboratory generated M -6 Earthquakes, Pure and Applied Geophysics DOI 10.1007/s00024-013-0772-9 pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Kilgore, B. D (2013) Foreshocks during the nucleation of stick-slip instability, Journal of Geophysical Research 118, 2982-2997.pdf
McLaskey, G. C., Thomas, A. M., Glaser, S. D., and Nadeau, R. M. (2012) Fault healing promotes high frequency earthquakes in laboratory experiments and on natural faults, Nature 491, pp. 101-104.pdf . . . link to Nature website
McLaskey, G. C. and Glaser, S. D. (2012) Acoustic Emission Sensor Calibration for Absolute Source Measurements, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation 31(2) pp. 157-168. pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Glaser, S. D. (2011) Micromechanics of asperity rupture during laboratory stick slip experiments, Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L12302. pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Glaser, S. D. (2010) Hertzian impact: experimental study of the force pulse and resulting stress waves, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 128(3) pp. 1087-1096. pdf
McLaskey, G. C., Glaser, S. D., Grosse, C. U., (2010) Beamforming array techniques for acoustic emission monitoring of large concrete structures, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329(12) pp. 2384-2394. pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Glaser, S. D., (2007), Temporal Evolution and 3D Locations of Acoustic Emissions Produced from the Drying Shrinkage of Concrete, Journal of Acoustic Emission, 25(1), 52-57.pdf
McLaskey, G. C., and Sansalone, M., (2006) Nondestructive Dynamic Evaluation of a Concrete Reaction Wall, ASCE Journal of the Performance of Constructed Facilities 20(3) 237-243. pdf
Book Chapters
McLaskey, G., Glaser, S., (2009) Nanoseismic measurement of the localized initiation of sliding friction, in Meso-Scale Shear Physics in Earthquake and Landslide Mechanics, eds. Y. H. Hatzor, J. Sulem, and I. Vardoulakis, CRC Press ISBN: 9780415475587 pdf
Selected Conference Papers
McLaskey, G., Glaser, S., (2010) "Mechanisms of sliding friction studied with an array of industrial conical piezoelectric sensors," in: M. Tomizuka, C. Yun, V. Giurgiutiu (Eds.), Proc. SPIE pdf
McLaskey, G., Glaser, S., (2009) "High-fidelity conical piezoelectric transducers and finite element models utilized to quantify elastic waves generated from ball collisions," in: M. Tomizuka, C. Yun, V. Giurgiutiu (Eds.), Proc. SPIE, vol. 7292, 72920S-1 - 72920S-18. pdf
McLaskey, G., Glaser, S., Grosse, C., (2008) "Acoustic emission beamforming for enhanced damage detection," Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6932 693239 March, 2008. pdf
McLaskey, G., Glaser, S., Grosse, C., (2007) "Integrating Broad-Band High-Fidelity Acoustic Emission Sensors and Array Processing to Study Drying Shrinkage Cracking in Concrete" Proc. of SPIE Vol. 6529 65290C pdf