to instructors
of lab
module contains short narrated presentations of basic theory,
test equipment and test procedure. This is followed by virtual
experiments, consisting of video of tests with live graphing
of data. Data from a number of experiments, along with images
of the broken samples are available for students to download
and analyze. The lab manual suggests analyses and questions
for the student. A limited amount of reference material is
also available, giving definitions and keywords, hints on
unit conversions and hints on analyzing and graphing the data
in Matlab and Excel.
Labs for different levels of students and custom building
labs for your own use
The lab is built in a modular fashion, allowing sections to
be re-used for students of various levels. For example, all
of the basic information contained in the lab for engineering
technology students is re-used in the lab for four students.
The lab for four year students contains supplementary information
on biological materials.
You are invited to either use one of the three labs provided,
or to custom build a lab for your own students by creating
your own home page linking just the web pages you want your
students to see. You could also write additional pages to
supplement or replace what is here, but still use the data
and videos provided. A site map giving the URL of each section
of the site and a brief description follows.
Suggested Uses
As a laboratory exercise. At Cornell we will supplement
our existing physical lab with this virtual lab exercise.
Students will write and turn in a lab report based on the
data and results from the experimental data.
As a homework exercise. Students could be assigned homework
that asks them to perform a limited amount of analysis of
the data, finding yield stress and elastic modulus, for
example, or comparing measured torsional stiffness to theory.
As in in-class demonstration. Videos of the experiments
and live graphs of the tests could be shown during lecture
to demonstrate torsional deformation and fracture. Brittle
and ductile materials can be compared to demonstrate their
failure modes.
Site Map
(popup windows)