PAST PRODUCTIONS Over 100 Teatrotaller Productions to date (Founded 1993) Despúes de la lluvia 11/05 Watsonville: Some Place Not Here 4/06 Fron/teras 8/06 Dog Lady 10/06 Las Américas festival (includes “Estudio en blanco y negro,” “Justicia,” “Voces.”) 11/17-18/06
El lobo de Belém 12/06 Locas de amar 4/27-28/07 Crossing the Line 11/17/07 Yo tengo un tío en América 4/4-5/08 En esta esquina 8/08 La mujer que cayó del cielo 11/08 Nora Glickman short plays 11/08
Beautiful Señoritas 3/09 Kan Balaam 4/09 Casa matriz 8/09 Desiertos 11/09 El despojamiento 9/10 References to Salvador Dalí make me hot 11/10 Las mujeres de Ciudad Juárez 3/11 FaceBOOKED 4/11 “14” 10/11 Iphigenia Crash Fall Lands on the Neon Shell that Was Once her Heart 3/12 Adult Roy's Badland 3/12 Jorge Silva's page with description and pictures here
The Way of Water 4/12 Tropicana Dreams 6/12 Two Loves and A Creature 11/12 Mother of Exiles 4/13 For review of play read
King Kong Palace 4/14 King Kong Palace Tumblr link
Upon the Fragile Shore 11/14 For more about this international reading scheme: NoPassport
Teatro y activismo, new "Actos" 4/15
West Side Story 4/16
After Orlando 11/16 For more about this theatre action, see NoPassport After Orlando Root Map 1/17, 3/17, 8/17 website here Kolkata teaser video here Austin Wolcott report on Ithaca production here Abe Francis introduction to the Akwesasne performance here |
Cuéntame un cuento 8/96 Health Care Provider Fall 1998 Día de las madres Summer 1999 Navidad de "Esperanza" Fall 1999 Derechos de los inmigrantes Spring 2004 Dailán Kifki and 4 de Maslíah Summer 2010 El Rey Frack July 2013 Somos Fuertes October 2013 La larga espera March 2014
El violador en tu camino December 2019
Jaguar, Downtown Latinx heritage month festival10/22 |