Along with the flyers, the tickets also have to be ready two weeks prior
to the performance. The tickets are printed in cardstock and they usually measure
about 2 x 2.
Usually the tickets have a similar design to that of the flyers and they
must have the following information:
-Teatrotaller logo
- Title
- Location
- Date
- Time
As soon as the tickets are ready, these must be given to the producer
or the treasurer, who will then number the tickets and give them out to different
Keeping track of ticket sales is the responsibility of the treasurer.
D. Student
organizations and other contacts:
As a student organization, Teatrotaller tries to reach out as much as
possible to the student body.
One of the ways to reach out to the student body is to provide discount
tickets to other student organizations. Through this program, student organizations
that buy ten or more tickets get a 50% discount.
As part of this project, Teatrotaller also contacts groups from other
universities in the areas and offers them at a special promotion price if they
purchase ten or more tickets. Enclosed is a contact list of professors and staff
members in other universities.
Efforts also need to be made to contact local high school teachers early
in the semester to let them know about the play, and include their students
in performances.
The producer is in charge of designating a member of the publicity team
for this.How the program works:
The first step is to make a list of the student organizations on campus
along with the names and numbers of the contact persons for them.
This list should include both Latino and Latin American organizations.
The names and numbers of the Latin American organizations may be found in the
International Students and Scholars Office (ISSO) in Caldwell Hall. The names
and numbers of the Latino organizations may be found in the Latino Studies Program
(LSP), in Rockefeller Hall.
Make sure to get the names and numbers of more than one person in the
organization. Also try to get their e-mail addresses, since it might be easier
to contact them by this means.
The publicity person in charge of this task must then call the contact
person from each organization and tell them about Teatrotaller, our mission
on campus, our up-coming event, and the special offer for student organizations.
Reaching student organizations by telephone might be hard. Thus, establishing
an e-mail list might make communication easier.
Once you know which organizations are interested in joining the program,
contact the treasurer for Teatrotaller and let her/him know. The treasurer will
then arrange how the tickets will be sent to each of them.
An excellent means to involve local High Schools would be to invite the
teachers and students to a special rehearsal and explain the process of putting
on a show and the ideas behind the production concept.
E. Preparation
of Mailings:
At least one week prior to the performance date, pick up the master mailing
list for the Latino students who live on campus and the master list for the
student organizations. These master lists will then be photocopied on to the
labels that can be purchased in the Campus Store. This list may be found in
the Latino Studies Program in Rockefeller Hall.
Get labels at the Campus Store and photocopy them. The copier in Carlos
Castillo-Chávezs office is available for these purposes. His office
is located in the fourth floor of Warren Hall and the copier may be used any
time after 5:00 pm. For more information contact Patricia Rojas at 255-8103.
Once the labels are ready, make at least 800 letter size copies of the
flyer and prepare them to be sent out by campus mail.
This takes care of the Latino students who live on campus. In order to
ensure that the Latin American students also get information about the performance,
take a white copy of the flyer to the Latin American Studies Program in 190
Uris Hall. They will take care of photocopying the flyer and sending it out
to the members of their mailing list.
The remaining flyers should be taken personally to the Romance Studies
main office (Goldwin Smith) and the Spanish Language main office (323 Morrill
Hall) and deposited in the mailboxes of the graduate students and professors.
The publicity person in charge of preparing the mailing is also in charge
of writing a letter explaining the groups mission, it trajectory on campus
and the show that will be presented. This letter should accompany the flyers
that will be dropped in the mailboxes.
Letter size flyers also need to be sent out to the people on the VIP
list enclosed in this section of the packet. However, some of the addresses
provided might be off-campus and might require a stamp before sending them out.
F. Program:
Preparing the program is usually the responsibility of one of the members
of the publicity team. The producer will indicate who is in charge of completing
this task.
The director shall give the producer or the person in charge of the program
a complete list of the names/ positions, etc. as they should appear in the program.
The director must give this list to the producer at least ten days before the
due dates for the program to allow ample time for its preparation. The deadlines
are indicated in the production calendar enclosed in this section.
Once the program is ready, it has to be submitted to the director for
his/her approval and to ensure that all of the information is accurate and correctly
A sample program is enclosed in this section. Each program must include
the following parts:
A-Cover/ Graphic design with the Teatrotaller logo, name of the production,
author, date, and theater where the event will take place. The design for the
cover may be specially created for the program or may be the same design as
the flyer .
B- Cast list, providing names of both the characters and the actors playing
the parts.
C- List of the production team. This includes the director, stage manager, assistant
director, sets, props, costumes, makeup, lights, sounds, publicity, historian,
fund raising, mentors, and video.
D- List of people enrolled in the Amigos de Teatrotaller program. The treasurer
is responsible for letting the publicity team know the names of the people enrolled
in the program. Along with this, a brief explanation of the program should be
provided. Make sure that the name, number and e-mail address of the treasurer
is enclosed in case someone who reads the program gets interested in joining
E- Acknowledgment section where those who have been instrumental in the production
are thanked and recognized.
F- Sponsors should be mentioned somewhere in the program. These may be verified
through the groups treasurer.
The number of programs printed usually depend on the play and the theater where
it is taking place. In the Statler Auditorium, we usually print about 350 copies.
G. Banner:
The location of the banner should be reserved as early as possible (better
if at the beginning of the semester), in order to have a bigger chance of obtaining
the desired dates. The producer will take care of reserving the space at the
beginning of the semester. The reservations should be made at 520 Willard Straight
The banner should be a maximum of 52 length, and 66 wide,
and it must be stapled to a wooden frame (the special stapler can be obtained
at 407-B WSH). The banner should be hung and unhung before 8:00 AM or after
6:00 PM; it must have the name of the organization written down and this should
be at least 2 inches big. Teatrotaller also has a special stapler in stock that
may be used for these purposes.
The banner must include information about the play such as:
Teatrotaller Logo
The design on the banner is the prerogative of the person who paints
the banner. However, in some way, it should follow the concept that the publicity
team has selected for the rest of the materials.