II- Preparation for Auditions
• Once the play has been selected, the next step is to hold auditions for the production. Even if the production is scheduled for the end of the semester, auditions should take place within the first two weeks of classes. By doing this we guarantee that we will have a bigger pool of auditioners, since people rarely show up to auditions once the semester is way underway.
• Auditions should be announced at least a week in advance and it is advisable to make more than one session in case prospective group members have conflicts. Reserve an appropriate and spacious room (those barely exist on campus)
• A sample flyer is provided in the publicity chapter of this production manual. This flyer that may be used by changing the date, time and location of the auditions.
Former Teatrotaller group members must make sure that auditions are held in an organized manner so that prospective group members get a good impression and understand that this is a serious commitment.

A. At the Auditions:
• Have registration forms, contracts, conflict sheets, and Cornell University Add-Drop forms ready. (All of these forms are provided in this section of the manual).
• Request the students to fill out a registration form and to mark more than one option for areas of interest. Also have them fill out a conflict sheet, which will be useful in the preparation of rehearsal schedules. Encourage them to become involved in other areas of the production team that might be in need for people. Have a course packet at auditions as reference material for those who might have questions about responsibilities of specific duties.
• Explain the option of taking the course for credit. The requirements are clearly listed on the Contract. Those who in fact decide to do it for credit may sign up for it by signing the contract and filling out an Add-Drop form with the appropriate course number.
To be officially enrolled in the course, students need to take the Add-Drop form to the Romance Studies office on the second floor of Goldwin Smith.

B. Casting and Selecting a Technical Staff:
With the aid of experienced group members, the director will then decide on a cast and a technical team. The key to selecting the right team of people lies in maximizing the available resources.
Keys to a Successful Team:
Where would he or she really make a difference?
2-) AVOID TYPE CASTING. It never works!!!!!!!!
3-)ALWAYS CAST THE BEST ACTOR. A good actor can do anything, even if he/she does not fit the role. Don’t type cast, or you will be stuck with a an actor who has the looks, but can’t play the part.
4-) Make sure that your project isn’t overtly ambitious and that all your bases have been covered.