Contents of the Databooks and How to Use Them

Based on our first hand studies of quipus spread over three continents, the Databooks primarily contain detailed descriptions of over 200 quipus. Databook I(published in 1978) contains 191 descriptions and Databook II (published in 1988) contains another 15 descriptions. To understand the format and contents of the descriptions, it is crucial to read the Introduction in Databook II. (Both Books are here in their entirety but the Introduction to Book II includes and updates the introductory material of Book I.)

Book I
Front matter
Individual Quipus(AS10-AS200)

Book II
Front matter
Individual Quipus (AS201-AS215)

Pages 1-10
¨Tag system to uniquely identify each published quipu description
¨Locations of quipus we examined and detail in these books
¨Locations of quipus we are aware of but have not yet examined
¨References to other published quipu descriptions

Pages 11-30
¨General description of quipus and quipu parts
¨Format and symbols used in our descriptions to represent cord types, cord placement, cord attachments, cord length, cord colors, knot types, knot positions on cords, numerical interpretations
¨Types of information in observation sections of descriptions: provenance;
associated artifacts; special construction features; observed regularities or interrelationships based on cord positions, color, knots, and numerical values

Book I: Pages 31-1155
¨Individual descriptions of the 191 quipus identified by tags AS10 through AS200
Book II: Pages 31-132
¨Individual descriptions of the 15 quipus identified by tags AS201 through AS215