The object of the final project is to find a recent research article (past year or so) related to the course material, read it carefully, and write a brief (max 1-2 page is fine, or as little as a couple paragraphs) summary of its results, including some indication of how accessible it was (notation, concepts, etc.) based on material covered during the semester. The intent is to assess whether you can read and understand a topical research article at least at the 33-50% level, though it might have been incomprehensible at the start of the semester.
[University guidelines, "Due dates for final projects, papers and take home exams are based on class meeting time",
give this class a due date sometime <17-21 Dec 2020>
Sample arXiv searches (try them!): CNOT, qubit, GHZ, quantum comput*, teleportation, ... , turn up things such as the list below [to be added], but feel free especially to survey references therein, or any other resource.
Below is a sample collection of articles from the past year, based on interest from bloggers or journalists, that might be of interest in themselves, or serve as a starting point (I haven't carefully confirmed that all are relevant or accessible.)
2011.06571 Quantum algorithm for nonlinear differential
2009.05045 Forecasting timelines of quantum computing
2005.06787 Classical Simulation of Quantum Supremacy Circuits
2005.06082 Universal coherence protection in a solid-state spin qubit
2005.03791 The Power of Adiabatic Quantum Computation with No Sign Problem
2005.02421 Spoofing Linear Cross-Entropy Benchmarking in Shallow Quantum Circuits
2004.04838 Quantum transduction of optical photons from a superconducting qubit
2002.09524 Quantum homeopathy works: Efficient unitary designs with a system-size independent number of non-Clifford gates
2002.08953 Predicting Many Properties of a Quantum System from Very Few Measurements
2002.07817 Experimental computational advantage from superposition of multiple temporal orders of quantum gates
2002.07730 What limits the simulation of quantum computers?
2001.04383 MIP*=RE
2001.00791 On the meaning of "quantum supremacy" experiments
2001.00021 Efficient classical simulation of random shallow 2D quantum circuits
1912.10877 Yao.jl: Extensible, Efficient Framework for Quantum Algorithm Design
1912.09906 Born's rule and measurement
1912.09410 Repeated Quantum Error Detection in a Surface Code
1912.06678 Spooky Action at a Global Distance -- Analysis of Space-Based Entanglement Distribution for the Quantum Internet
1912.05547 Forging quantum data: classically defeating an IQP-based quantum test
1912.03671 On-chip coherent microwave-to-optical transduction mediated by ytterbium in YVO$_4$
1911.09122 Nonlinear Bell inequality for macroscopic measurements
1911.07839 Chip-to-chip quantum teleportation and multi-photon entanglement in silicon
1911.00099 Robust encoding of a qubit in a molecule
1910.12085 On the Classical Hardness of Spoofing Linear Cross-Entropy Benchmarking
1910.11333 Supplementary information for "Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor"
1910.10462 Not-so-adiabatic quantum computation for the shortest vector problem
1910.09534 Leveraging Secondary Storage to Simulate Deep 54-qubit Sycamore Circuits
1910.05677 Computer-inspired concept for high-dimensional multipartite quantum gates
1910.03093 A robust W-state encoding for linear quantum optics
1908.11762 Classifying single-qubit noise using machine learning
1908.11213 The Grover search as a naturally occurring phenomenon
1908.07665 Teleportation-based collective attacks in Gaussian quantum key distribution
1908.04226 Timing and resource-aware mapping of quantum circuits to superconducting processors
1906.05836 Quantum Chess: Developing a Mathematical Framework and Design Methodology for Creating Quantum Games
1905.09749 How to factor 2048 bit RSA integers in 8 hours using 20 million noisy qubits
1907.04507 Experimental verification of five-qubit quantum error correction with superconducting qubits
1903.08181 Benchmarking an 11-qubit quantum computer