The object of the final project is to find a recent research article (past year or so) related to the course material, read it carefully, and write a brief (max 1-2 page, or as little as a couple paragraphs) summary of its results, including some indication of how accessible it was (notation, concepts, etc.) based on material covered during the semester. The object is to determine whether you can read and understand a topical research article at least at the 33-50% level, though it might have been incomprehensible at the start of the semester.
[University guidelines, "Due dates for final projects, papers and take home exams are based on class meeting time",
give this class, with start time between 2:00-2:59PM, a min due date of <Mon, 10-Dec-2018 4:30PM>
Sample arXiv searches (try them!): Cnot, qubit, GHZ, quantum comput*, teleportation, ... , turn up things such as the list below, but feel free especially to survey references therein, or any other resource.
Below is a sample collection of articles from the past year, based on interest from bloggers or journalists, that might be of interest in themselves, or serve as a starting point (I haven't carefully confirmed that all are relevant or accessible.)
(You might also find ideas in some of these recent review-type articles, all worth looking at anyway:
1811.03975 Quantum computational finance: quantum algorithm for portfolio optimization
1811.02292 Genuine 12-qubit entanglement on a superconducting quantum processor
1811.02125 Impact of qubit connectivity on quantum algorithm performance
1811.01969 Advances in Photonic Quantum Sensing
1811.01726 Demonstration of a Quantum Circuit Design Methodology for Multiple Regression
1811.01693 The electronic interface for quantum processors
1810.12948 Quantum advantage in training binary neural networks
1810.11006 The high-coherence fluxonium qubit
1810.10042 Efficiently measuring a quantum device using machine learning
1810.09575 Transversal gates and error propagation in 3D topological codes
1810.04233 Trading locality for time: certifiable randomness from low-depth circuits
1810.03176 Efficient classical simulation of noisy quantum computation
1810.01040 Stabilizer Slicing: Coherent Error Cancellations in LDPC Codes
1809.03352 Experimental Simulation of Bosonic Creation and Annihilation Operators in a Quantum Processor
1809.02597 Fast, High-Fidelity, Quantum Non-demolition Readout of a Superconducting Qubit Using a Transverse Coupling
1808.10561 A Quantum Model for Multilayer Perceptron
1808.10047 Quantum optical neural networks
1808.08927 Variational Quantum Factoring
1808.07047 A distributed simulation framework for quantum networks and channels
1808.05966 Cosmic Bell Test using Random Measurement Settings from High-Redshift Quasars
1807.11845 Quantum Correlations Can Speed Up All Classical Computation
1807.05546 Entangling three qubits without ever touching
1807.05498 Generation of a macroscopic Schr\"odinger cat using vortex light
1807.05209 Quantum Speedups for Exponential-Time Dynamic Programming Algorithms
1807.04259 The fundamentals of quantum machine learning
1807.02023 Quantum circuits for floating-point arithmetic
1807.01602 Counterfactual Quantum Bit Commitment
1806.10615 An optomechanical Bell test
1806.10279 Conclusive experimental demonstration of one-way Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering
1806.09569 Mapping and Measuring Large-scale Photonic Correlation with Single-photon Imaging
1806.08430 Testing the limits of human vision with quantum states of light: past, present, and future experiments
1806.07061 Bidirectional Quantum Controlled Teleportation by Using Five-qubit Entangled State as a Quantum Channel
1806.06107 Quantum Resource Theories
1806.04682 High-fidelity control and entanglement of Rydberg atom qubits
1806.03689 Experimental realization of causality-assisted Wheeler's delayed-choice experiment using single photons
1806.03295 Experimental realization of quantum algorithms for linear system inspired by adiabatic quantum computing
1806.02736 Benchmarking of quantum processors with random circuits
1806.02359 Fault tolerance in the IBM Q Experience
1806.02048 A new class of efficient randomized benchmarking protocols
1806.00211 Device independent certification of a quantum delayed choice experiment
1806.00156 A loophole-free Wheeler-delayed-choice experiment
1805.10622 Randomized benchmarking does not measure average infidelity of gates
1805.04431 Challenging local realism with human choices
1805.03662 Encoding Electronic Spectra in Quantum Circuits with Linear T Complexity
1804.09725 Measurement of the entanglement spectrum of a symmetry-protected topological state using the IBM quantum computer
1804.08118 On the insecurity of quantum Bitcoin mining
1804.05979 Quantum Blockchain using entanglement in time
1804.05736 Quantum computation is an island in theoryspace
1804.05022 Towards Quantum Communication from Global Navigation Satellite System
1804.04515 Quantifying entanglement in a 68-billion dimensional quantum system
1804.02733 Quantum Annealing for Prime Factorization
1804.01082 Classical Verification of Quantum Computations
1803.10772 Disentangling Scrambling and Decoherence via Quantum Teleportation
1803.04449 Multidimensional quantum entanglement with large-scale integrated optics
1803.04402 Quantum Supremacy and the Complexity of Random Circuit Sampling
1803.00583 In-field entanglement distribution over a 96 km-long submarine optical fibre
1802.06952 64-Qubit Quantum Circuit Simulation
1802.06763 Quantum-Assisted Blockchain
1802.06002 Classification with Quantum Neural Networks on Near Term Processors
1802.05102 Experimental two-way communication with one photon
1802.02170 Certifying the building blocks of quantum computers from Bell's theorem
1802.00069 Leveraging Adiabatic Quantum Computation for Election Forecasting
1801.08649 Finding Maximum Cliques on the D-Wave Quantum Annealer
1801.06316 Demonstration of Topological Data Analysis on a Quantum Processor
1801.04418 Satellite-relayed intercontinental quantum network
1801.04043 18-qubit entanglement with photon's three degrees of freedom
1801.03897 Cloud Quantum Computing of an Atomic Nucleus
1801.03782 16-qubit IBM universal quantum computer can be fully entangled
1712.07311 Optimising Matrix Product State Simulations of Shor's Algorithm
1712.05304 A quantum algorithm to train neural networks using low-depth circuits
1711.11240 Quantum Neuron: an elementary building block for machine learning on quantum computers