FWS: Art and the Mind

Spring 2013



Time: Tues/Thurs 10:10-11:25

Instructor: Associate Professor Nico Silins

Office: 219 Goldwin Smith Hall

Office Hours: Tues 3-4 or (easily) by appointment

Email: ns338@cornell.edu



Course Description


A writing-intensive survey of topics in the philosophy of art, with an emphasis on issues about the mind.


Required Texts


All readings will be available on Blackboard or elsewhere online.




Papers: 75%


            Paper One: 3-5 pages. 5%.

            Paper Two: 3-5 pages. 10%.

            Paper Three: 6-8 pages. 20%.

            Paper Four: 3-5 pages. 10%.

            Paper Five: 3-5 pages. 10%.  

            Paper Six: 6-8 pages. 20%.


Reading Responses: 15%


You must write a 250-500 word reading response to each new text we read (if weÕre having another section on a text youÕve already responded to, you donÕt need to write a new response).

When you write your response, please mention what you find to be one good thing and one bad thing about how the reading assignment was written.


Participation: 10%


The participation grade is based on your overall engagement with the course, including attendance, classroom discussion, and individual meetings.  Please note: it takes into account both the quality and quantity of your participation. 




Late papers and assignments will be marked down by 1/3 of a letter grade for each day the paper is late (e.g., from A- to B+, from B+ to B, and so on). 


You are responsible for following CornellÕs Code of Academic Integrity, available at <http://cuinfo.cornell.edu/Academic/AIC.html>.  For the record: plagiarism is sufficient grounds for an F in the course.  

Also, there are many online resources about the material we will cover.  Many of them are terrible.  I would prefer that you not use any of them.  If you do use some, make sure you cite them.


I will readily accommodate religious holidays and disabilities, but please give me advance notice of any such accommodation you might need.


Readings (subject to change)


1/22: Brief Course Introduction


Part One: The Philosophy of Fiction


1/24: Emotional Responses to Fiction, I

Walton, ÒFearing FictionsÓ


1/29: Emotional Responses to Fiction, II         

Walton reading continued

Carroll, ÒOn Kendall WaltonÕs Mimesis as Make-BelieveÓ


1/31: Paper Workshop

Rough Draft Due


2/5: ÒThe Paradox of HorrorÓ, I

Hume, ÒOf TragedyÓ


2/7: ÒThe Paradox of HorrorÓ, II

Gaut, ÒThe Paradox of HorrorÓ                                                                                                 Carroll, ÒEnjoying Horror Fictions: A Reply to GautÓ                                                       

*****First Paper due at 12pm on Monday 2/11*****


2/12: Truth in Fiction

Currie, ÒThe Structure of StoriesÓ


2/14: Meaning and Intention

Wimsatt and Beardsley, ÒThe Intentional FallacyÓ


Part Two: Representation


2/19: Musical Expression, I

Boghossian, ÒOn Hearing the Music in the SoundÓ

Boghossian, ÒExplaining Musical ExperienceÓ


2/21: Paper Workshop

Rough draft due


*****Second Paper due at 12pm on Monday 2/25*****


2/26: Musical Expression, II

Boghossian readings continued


2/28, 3/5: Pictorial Representation, I

Goodman, Languages of Art, selection


3/7: Pictorial Representation, II

Wollheim, ÒOn Pictorial RepresentationÓ, ÒIn Defense of Seeing-InÓ

Budd, ÒOn Looking at a PictureÓ


*****Third Paper due at 12pm on Monday 3/11*****


3/12, 3/14: Photography as a way of seeing

Walton, ÒTransparent Pictures: On the Nature of Photographic RealismÓ


SPRING BREAK: no class on 3/19, 3/21


Part Three: Evaluation


3/26, 3/28: Photography and Value

Lopes, ÒThe Aesthetics of Photographic TransparencyÓ

Scruton, ÒPhotography and RepresentationÓ


4/2: Paper workshop

Rough draft due


4/4: Aesthetic Experience

Dickie, ÒThe Myth of the Aesthetic AttitudeÓ


*****Fourth Paper due at 12pm on Monday 4/8*****


4/9, 4/11: Realism and Relativism

Hume, ÒOf the Standard of TasteÓ


4/16, 4/18: Realism and Relativism continued

Boghossian, NYT piece

Walton, ÒCategories of ArtÓ

Sibley, ÒAesthetic ConceptsÓ


*****Fifth Paper due at 12pm on Monday 4/22*****


4/23: Do you have to experience art yourself to judge it?

Hopkins, ÓBeauty and TestimonyÓ


4/25: Taste and Testimony

Robson, ÒTaste-imonyÓ


4/30: Fake and Forgeries: What if two artworks produce the same experience?

Goodman, ÒArt and AuthenticityÓ, selection

Dutton, ÒArtistic Crimes: The Problem of Forgery in the ArtsÓ

Lessing, ÒWhat is Wrong with a Forgery?Ó


5/2: Conceptual Art: What if appreciation requires no experience?

Shelly, ÒThe Problem of Non-Perceptual ArtÓ


*****Sixth paper due at 5pm on Friday 5/10*****