Credits for project: Concept and
content: Martijna Aarts Briggs
Web Design: Douglas B. Markant, Scott Levine, Nicholas Steenhaut, Aaron Sommers, Paul Zetler, Benjamin Williams
Data Programming: Scott Levine
Speakers: Carthy Dorset, Marielle Higler, Jeffrey Wagenmaker, Erica
LaFountain, Erica Brutsaert, Daniel Alberts, Hetty Krol, Emily Vollmer, Brian Tauzel, Niels van de Ven,
Reijrink, Nicholas Steenhaut, Johan Mekken, Joan de Boer, Aukje Schukken, Matthieu Francois van Vliet, Arnout van de Rijt
Flower Painting:
Marc Susan Initial seed monies in 2001, 2002 and
2003 were received from:
The Consortium for Language Teaching and Learning
Peter C. Patrikis
Executive Director
1 Hillhouse Avenue, Room 302
P.O. Box 208365
New Haven, CT 06520-8365
203-432-0590 (Office)
203-432-0589 (Facsimile)
Sound and video operations for the pilot clips, by the
Language Learning
Center of Cornell University
Webdesign and HTML programming, testing and
the interactive framework by
LYNX, the student supported, faculty assisting
office at Cornell University, under the able Director Marge Wolff. Special thanks to our LYNX student: Douglas Markant
Additional funding has been made available by the
University Department of German Studies,
De Taalunie of the Netherlands
Postal address:
Nederlandse Taalunie
Postbus 10595
2501 HN Den Haag
Visiting address:
Nederlandse Taalunie
Lange Voorhout 19
2514 EB Den Haag
Special thanks to Jacqueline Balteau of Taalunie.
We received further funds from the Institute for European Studies for data entry during the year 2005. To that end, we wish to thank Susan Tarrow, Tammy Gardner, Bonnie Bailey and
Catherine Perkins and, most recently Sidney Van Morgan for their unrelenting assistance. In addition, thanks to Miriam Zubal of the Department of German Studies for handling the details expertly.