IPM Homepage 444

Reading list
Term project
Laboratory schedule

Integrated Pest Management



Fall 2010


There is no textbook for this course. Most of the readings will be accessible on the World Wide Web through links on the reading list at http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/ipm444/Readlist444.html.

Term Project

During the first week of the semester, the class will be divided into teams of 3-4 students, and each team will select a pest problem on which to focus. During the course of the semester the team will develop a proposed system for the management of that pest. (See the accompanying Term Project Guidelines for details.) The term project accounts for 25% of the final grade.


The laboratories are intended to demonstrate methods in pest monitoring and the applications of computers in pest management. A written report will be required for each laboratory exercise. The laboratory reports will account for 20% of the final grade.


There will be a take-home midterm exam. The exam will be handed out about one week prior to the due date (near the middle of the semester). It will require a synthesis of all of the material covered before the exam. The midterm will account for 20% of the final grade.

There will be a take-home final exam due at the time officially scheduled by the Scheduling Office for the final exam for this course. The exam will be handed out about one week prior to the due date. It will require a synthesis of all of the material for the whole course. The final exam will account for 20% of the final grade.

Missed Deadlines

Any work (lab reports, term project) will be accepted after its due date. However, 10 points/week (10/7 points/day) will be subtracted from the grade.

Last updated: August 23, 2007
© Cornell University 2004