// This code loads an image, then displays it.  When the 't'
// key is pressed, the image on the screen is transformed in 
// the way you define.  When the 'u' key is pressed, the image 
// goes back to the original image.
PImage verasImg;
float scaling;

void setup() {
  // load the image out of memory and display it to the screen
  verasImg = loadImage("IMG_6225.JPG");
  //scale to fit window
  scaling = 500.0 / verasImg.height;
  size(400, 400);

void draw() {
  if (keyPressed) {
    if (key == 'u') {
      image(verasImg, 0, 0, verasImg.width *scaling, verasImg.height * scaling);
    else if (key == 't') {
      for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) {
        pixels[i] = transform(i);

// Some ideas of what 'transform' could do:
// Add noise to the pixel
// Rotate the pixel's red, green, and blue components
// Color invert the pixel
// Increase hue, saturation, or brightness by some fixed value
// or some percentage
// Average with the previous or next pixel's values (watch out for when 
// you are at the edge of the image!)