// Skeleton code for making falling squares

// An array that will store the x values of the squares
// Enter your initial values for squareX here
float [] squareX;
// A variable that will store the y value of the squares
float squareY;

void setup(){
  squareY = height/2;

void draw(){
  for(int i = 0; i < squareX.length; i++) {
    // enter code to draw squares here

// 1. To define an array:
// color[] myColors; 
// myColors = new color[7];
// OR
// color[] myColors = new color[7];
// OR
// color[] myColors = { color(0,0,0), color(1,1,1) };
// 2. To access elements:
// stroke(myColors[1]);
// 3. Getting length:
// if(colorChosen > myColors.length) { ....
// For parts 3 and 4 of this activity:
//    random(width) will give you a float between 0 and width.
//    random(height) will give you a float between 0 and height
// For the EXTRA:
//    Use mod (%) on the y position of the square to have it reappear
//    back at the top after it disappears from the bottom.