Goals and Objectives
Entomology 344, Insect Conservation Biology, provides an in-depth look at the concepts and issues surrounding the conservation of insects and other invertebrates. This course will allow students to broaden their knowledge of an applied aspect of entomology that is not covered in detail in other courses. The course will also offer students the opportunity to apply conservation biology principles to a specific and often overlooked taxon.
The course is divided between conservation of rare and endangered insects and conservation of ecological services provided by insects (i.e. pollination, decomposition, pest suppression, insectivore food sources). Specific topics will include: the success of the class Insecta, the role of insects in ecosystems, defining 'rare' and 'endangered', sampling rare populations, insect conservation genetics, the role of phylogeny in determining conservation priorities, refuge design, saving individual species, preserving ecosystems, political/social/ethical aspects of insect conservation.
Class will meet from 10:10 to 11:25. I will lecture on Tuesdays (in B108 Comstock Hall ) and reserve Thursdays for discussion sessions lead by students (in 2123 Comstock Hall). Discussion days may be shifted to better synchronize with lecture topics.
- Collins, N.M. & J.A. Thomas (eds.). 1991. The Conservation of Insects and their Habitats. 15th Symposium of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Academic Press.
- New, T.R. 1995. Introduction to invertebrate conservation biology. Oxford University Press. Oxford
- Samways, M.J. 1994. Insect Conservation Biology. Chapman and Hall. London.
- Stalcap, B. 1996. Endangered Species: Opposing viewpoints. Greenhaven Press Inc. San Diego.
John Losey
Department of Entomology
4126 Comstock Hall
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