"...and behold…[grafting] hath bene put in writing of many great & worthy personages, in divers kinde of languages, as in greeke by Philometor, Hieron, Achelaus, Orpheus, Musceus, Homer, Hosiode, Constantine, Caesar: and Latine, by Beron, Caton, Columella, Paladius, Virgill, Amilisu, Macere, and in the Portugese tongue by King Attalius and Mago (the wich reciteth the histories), after their death the books of planting and graffying were broungh to rome, sone after the destruction of cathage"

from: A booke of the arte and manner how to plant and graffe all sorts of trees, how to sette stones and sow pepins, to make wild trees to graffe on, as also remedies & medicines. With diuers other new practises, by one of the abbey of S. Vincent in Fraunce, practised with his owne hands: deuided into VIJ chapters, as hereafter more plainly shall appeare, with an addition in the ende of this booke, of certaine Dutch practises, set forth & English

by Leonard Mascall, 1589


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