About the Internet:

Some useful online resources for this course include:

Ancient Greek World virtual gallerya museum portal to the world of Ancient Greece (with some links to Rome )

Ancient History Sourcebook – an immense collection of general ancient materials, mostly primary sources

Visual Tour through Late Antiquitywith an emphasis on 6thC Gaul

What did people in the past wear? – a seriously dated (19thC) but entertaining romp through pre-modern costume

Later medieval research guide – custom-made research pointers in high- and late-medieval history

Medieval Sourcebook – an immense collection of general medieval materials, mostly primary sources

Douai-Rheims Bible – 16thC Catholic translation: closest English equivalent to medieval Latin Vulgate (also available here)

Qur’án – a searchable translation

1492: An ongoing voyage – Library of Congress exhibit on Europe and America up to the early 1600s

The Catholic Encyclopedia – (incomplete) online edition of important – but seriously dated – e20thC work

Oxford English Dictionary (OED) – most comprehensive (& historical) dictionary of the English language [the direct link may not work from off-campus locations; click on the "Databases" tab in the Cornell Library gateway and search for the OED there]

Key Library Resources for Western Civilisation – custom-made pointers prepared for this course, with an emphasis on web-based research


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Oren Falk, Associate Professor

Department of History, Cornell University


Page last updated on: 5 October, 2011