if you want to learn more:

The 1486 Malleus Maleficarum (L "Hammer of Evil-Doers," but usually translated as "Hammer of Witches") was the basic text on how to help your neighbour transition from reclusive & somewhat shy woman about the town to a flaming offering at the top of a pyre. It was a bestseller & went into many editions.

The austerity, simplicity & literalism of Huldrych (Ulrich) Zwingli's understanding of the gospel is apparent in this comparison between the golden chalice with which he celebrated Mass as a traditional (Catholic) priest, prior to his conversion experience, and the wooden goblet he used for celebrating the Lord's Supper after he turned to Protestantism.

Read an excerpt from the Tridentine Creed (part of a papal bull issued in November 1564, after the conclusion of the Ecumenical Council of Trent. (Cf. with the Nicene Creed we read earlier in the semester, from 325 AD.)

Check out high-res image of Nicolas Poussin 's famous paintings, Et in Arcadia Ego (oil on wood; ca. 1637-38). The Wikipedia article on this phrase is also worth a look.