Week IX : reform of the Church

Key words list

abbot --brethren -- rule -- (divine) office -- (monastic) order -- hermits/anchorites -- coenobites -- (degrees of) humility -- obedience -- excommunication -- penance -- satisfaction

agricultural revolution -- commercial revolution -- artisanal revolution

Albi -- Albigensians / Albigensianism-- Albigensian Crusade -- Languedoc -- Cathars / Catharism

Alfonso X "el sabio" (Sp "the wise") -- Castile -- Castilian (language) -- alcalde (Sp "judge" < Ar al-qadi "the judge")

'Ali -- 'Uthman -- 'Aysha -- Hussein -- (battle of) Karbala

Allah (Ar "god")


Bayt al-Hikma (Ar "house of wisdom") -- Harun ar-Rashid -- The One Thousand and One Nights -- al-Ma'moun

Benedictines -- Cistercians -- Bernard of Clairvaux

caliph (Ar "vicar," "substitute") -- (Four) Rightly Guided Caliphs (cf. Week VI)


Cluny / Cluniac -- monastic order -- General Chapter


Córdoba -- Toledo -- Seville -- al-Andalus -- Pyrenees (mountain range) -- Granada -- Abd er-Rahman I -- emirate of Córdoba -- Abd er-Rahman III -- Caliphate of Córdoba

corporation -- confraternity -- guild / gild (cf. Week XV)

crop rotation -- two-field & three-field system

Crusades [esp. the 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th]

Damascus -- Baghdad -- Samarra -- Sawad -- Cairo -- Fustat

dhimmi (Ar < dhimma, "covenant") -- Peoples of the Book -- Pact of Omar/Umar -- jizya (Ar "poll tax") (cf. Week VI)

Dictatus Papae (Lat. "pronouncement of the pope")

Drang nach Osten (German: "the push towards the east"; cf. reclaiming land below)

Five Pillars of Islam (cf. Week VI)

St Francis of Assisi -- Franciscans -- OFM (ordo fratrum minorum, "order of lesser brothers") -- imitation of Christ

Gregorian reform / Investiture controversy (or: conflict, contest, etc.) -- papal primacy -- simony -- nicolaitism -- clerical marriage -- clerical celibacy -- clerical tonsure -- Concordat of Worms -- homosexuality

Gregory VII (Hildebrand) -- [pope as the] Vicar ("stand-in") of St Peter -- Countess Mathilda of Tuscany

hadith (Ar "tradition") (cf. Week VI)

Hattin (battle of)

(Emperor) Henry III -- Henry IV -- [emperor as the] Vicar of Christ -- Canossa

heavy plough -- light plough -- furlong ("furrow-length")

High Middle Ages -- Late Middle Ages

Ibn Sinna (> Avicenna) -- Ibn Rushd (> Averroes)

imam (Ar "prayer leader") -- amir/emir (Ar "[military] commander; cf. Lat dux > Engl 'duke') -- emir el-mu'minin (Ar "leader of the faithful") (cf. Week VI)

Innocent III -- (papal / medieval) Inquisition (? Spanish Inquisition; cf. Week XIII)

Islam -- Muslim -- Dar el-Islam (Ar "home/world of Islam") -- ummah (Ar "nation," "community"; cf. Lat ecclesia) (cf. Week VI)

(vb:) invest (to invest a bishop) -- (noun:) investiture -- lay investiture (cf. Gregorian Reform above)

Kingdom of Jerusalem -- County of Edessa -- Principality of Antioch -- Acre (city)

John of Salisbury -- organic society (cf. Week III)

Leo IX -- cardinals (< Lat cardo "axis") -- papal curia (Lat "court")

liberty (NB: esp. used in pl.; see Burger pp. 168, 241; cf. Week XIII) -- privilege (L privilegium, "private [i.e., custom-tailored] law")

madrasa (Ar "school") -- ulama (Ar "[religious] scholars")

Manzikert (battle of) -- Alp Arsalan


Mohammed -- the last prophet

(Jewish) moneylenders -- ghetto (< It borghetto, "burgh"; see below) -- expulsion -- Edward I

(three) orders (Lat ordines; cf. 'ordained') / estates -- oratores (Lat "those who pray") -- bellatores (Lat "those who war") -- laboratores (Lat "those who toil")

orthodoxy (Gk "correct belief") -- orthpraxy ("correct conduct")

Peter the Hermit -- People's / Peasants' Crusade

pilgrimage (NB: ususally a kind of penance imposed on someone) -- Santiago (St James) de Compostela -- (church of the) Holy Sepulchre

Qaramita -- Buyids

Qur'an (cf. Week VI)

reclaiming (clearing, draining, bringing under the plough) land -- dikes (cf. Drang nach Osten)

reconquista -- convivencia (Sp "living together") -- Valencia -- Aragon -- Castile -- Portugal

relics -- patron saints -- purgatory

Sassanid / Sassanian empire

shi'at 'Ali (Ar "sect [of the followers] of 'Ali" ) -- Shi'i / Shi'ite -- Imami / Twelver Shi'ites -- Isma'ili / Sevener Shi'ites (cf. Week VI)


sultan (Ar "power" > "powerful person")

sunna (Ar "tradition," "providence") -- Sunni (Ar "traditionalist") -- Sunni Revival (cf. Week VI)


Turks -- Turkic ("Turk-like") languages -- Seljuqs -- Mamluks -- Ottomans -- Safavids -- Mughals -- Mongols -- Chinghiz Khan (Ghengis Chan)

Umayyads -- Mu'awiya -- 'Abd er-Rahman (I & III; cf. Córdoba above) -- 'Abbasids -- Abu 'l-'Abbas -- an-Nasir -- Fatimids -- Fatima (cf. Week VI)

Pope Urban II -- Alexius Comnenus (cf. pilgrimage above) -- Fulcher of Chartres -- Dome of the Rock -- 1st Crusade

village -- hamlet -- town -- burgh -- burgher (cf. Fr bourgeois)

Zengi -- Nur ed-Din -- Salah ed-Din / Saladin -- Emperor Frederick II stupor mundi (L "the wonder of the world") -- 2nd & 3rd Crusades