Week VII: the early medieval West

Key words list

Aachen (German) / Aix-la-Chappelle (Fr)

Adrianople (battle) -- Valens

Alamanni (lit. "all men" [or: "united peoples"]; cf. Fr Allemagne, "Germany")

Angles -- Anglo-Saxons

Arian Christianity / Arianism

Avars -- Bulgars -- Slavs -- Magyars

St Balthild

bishop -- archbishop -- diocese -- parish

Carolingian Renaissance -- Carolingian (Caroline) minuscule -- punctuation

Carolingians -- Charles Martel ("the Hammer") -- Pippin III "the Short" -- Charlemagne ("Charles the Great"; cf. German Karl der Grosse) -- Christian Empire

Cassiodorus -- Institutions

coloni (tenant farmers; sg. colonus)

count -- county

Donation of Constantine

dowry (from husband's kin to wife) -- dower (from wife's kin to husband) -- morning gift (from husband to wife) -- concubinage

economic ideal types (cf. Week IV): market (impersonal) -- redistributive (political) -- reciprocal / gift exchange (social)

epitome -- Breviarum (cf. Burger p. 132)

ethnicity -- rex (L "king")

familia (including monastic, royal, etc.) -- amicitia (L "friendship," "love," "affection") -- oblate -- oblation (L "offering") -- Bride of Christ

federates (L fœderati, "allies")


Franks -- Francia -- Merovingians -- Clovis -- Chilperic -- Fredegund -- Austrasia -- Neustria -- Burgundy -- Aquitaine -- Salic law

Germanic -- Germanic migrations / invasions

Goths -- Visigoths -- Alaric -- Visigothic Spain -- Ostrogoths -- Theodoric -- Ostrogothic Italy

Gregory I (the Great) -- Cura pastoralis (a.k.a. The Book of Pastoral Rule)

Gregory of Tours -- Histories [often, wrongly, referred to as the History of the Franks]

Holy Roman Empire [a term actually only applied from the 12thC to the realm of Charlemagne's distant German successors]

Huns -- Attila

Lombards / Langobards ("long beards") -- duchies of Benevento & Spoleto

major domo ("mayor of the palace")

manuscript ("handwritten [text]")

St Martin of Tours

missi [dominici] ("those who were sent [by the lord]")

Pirenne Thesis

Poitiers (battle; also known as the battle of Tours)

polygyny ("[the practice of marrying] multiple wives") -- divorce

patriarch -- pope (< Gk pappa, "father" [cf. abbot < Hb/Aramaic abba]; in this pd, still a general term of respect for any senior clergyman) -- papal states


Romulus Augustulus -- Odoacer (a.k.a. Odovacer) -- diadem (cf. Week IV)

Rule of St Benedict / Benedictine Rule



Tours -- St Martin of Tours -- Loire river valley


vernacular languages -- Treaty of Verdun (cf. Week VIII)

wergild ("blood compensation") -- leodis