Week IV: Mediterranean empires

Key words list

Actium (battle)

Alexandria -- the great library -- Ai Khanum

Antiochus -- Antiochia

aqueduct -- public baths -- arch -- dome


Caesar (Caius [Gaius] Julius Caesar; divus Iulius, "the divine Julius") -- Brutus (Marcus Junius Brutus) -- Octavian -- Augustus -- Res gestae divi Augusti ("Accomplishments of the divine Augustus")

Cannae (battle)


Carthage ("new city"; cf. Naples < nea polis) -- Punic Wars (1st, 2nd & 3rd) -- Hannibal -- Cannae (battle) -- Pyrrhus of Epirus

censor -- census

Cicero (Marcus Tullius Cicero)


Cleopatra VII


curiales [a.k.a.] decurions ("municipal leaders")

cursus honorum ("ladder of offices," lit. "track of honours")

death masks -- ancestor worship

debasement of coinage -- solidus ("a solid")


Diocletian -- colonus (pl. coloni; farmers tied to the soil) -- tetrarchy ("government of four") -- Augusti -- Caesari -- consistory -- Constantine -- Milvian Bridge (battle) -- Constantinople ("Constantine's polis")

economic ideal types (Carl Polanyi): market (impersonal) -- redistributive (political) -- reciprocal (social)

empire (in fact) ≠ Empire (in name)


Euclid -- Archimedes

familia (≠ family; "household")

"five good emperors" -- Trajan -- Marcus Aurelius


gladiators -- Spartacus

Gracchi brothers -- Tiberius & Caius (Gaius) Gracchus

Hellenistic ("Greek-like," modern term)



imperium ("the right to command") -- imperator (cf. Engl "emperor")

Julio-Claudian emperors: Augustus -- Tiberius -- Caligula -- Claudius -- Nero

koinê ("common") Greek

latifundia ("broad estate")

Latium -- Latin -- Romance languages


liberal arts


Macedon -- Philip II -- Chaeronea (battle) -- League of Corinth -- Isocrates -- Alexander (III) "the Great"

mare nostrum ("our lake")

Marius (Caius [Gaius] Marius)

Mark Antony (Marcus Antonius)

mos maiorum ("the way of the ancestors") -- custom

nobiles (sg. nobilis; "notables") -- novi homines ("new men"; sg. novus homo)

optimates ("of the best sort") -- populares ("of the people")

ordo (pl. ordines), "order" -- plebs / plebians -- patricians

otium ("leisure" [cf. Eng otiose]) -- negotium ("trade," lit. "non-leisure" [cf. Eng negotiation]) -- slaves

Pantheon (building) -- Jupiter -- Venus

patria potestas ("power of the father")


patronage -- patron -- client -- euergetism (Gk = L beneficium, lit. "good works")

pax romana ("Roman peace") -- pax deorum ("peace of [or: with] the gods")



Pompey the Great (Gnaeus Pompeius)

potestas ("power") -- auctoritas ("legitimate power," "authority")

princeps ("first citizen") -- principate -- dominus ("lord," "master") -- dominate

province -- proconsul ("in place of a consul," i.e. provincial governor) -- provincials

rescript (cf. responsa, Week VIII)

Republic / res publica ("public matter," "affair of the public") -- rex (pl. reges [cf. Engl "regal"]; "king")


Rome -- Latium -- Tiber (river)

Romanization -- Hellenization

Romulus & Remus -- rape of the Sabine women

scepticism -- stoicism (from Gk stoa, "collonade") -- epicureanism (after Epicurus) -- "The Garden" -- cynicism (from Gk cyon, "dog") -- Diogenes

Scipio Africanus -- Cato the elder (Marcus Porcius Cato) -- Carthago delenda est ("Carthage must be destroyed")

Senate -- magistracies -- cursus honorum -- aediles -- quaestors -- praetors -- consuls -- censors -- tribunes

"Social Wars" (bella socium, lit. "wars of the allies") -- socii (sg. socius; "allies")

SPQR (Senatus Populusque Romanus, "the Roman senate and people")

successor kings: Antigonus & the Antigonids (in Greece, Macedon & Asia Minor) -- Attalids (in Pergamon, W Asia Minor) -- Seleucus & the Seleucids (in Near East) -- Ptolemy & the Ptolemaics (in Egypt)

Suetonius -- Lives of the Emperors

Sulla (Lucius Cornelius Sulla) -- proscription -- clemency

syncretism ("mixed belief") -- Serapis


Tarquin the Proud -- Sextus Tarquin -- Lucretia -- Brutus (Lucius Junius Brutus)

theocracy ("divine government") -- diadem -- purple (robes, etc.) -- proskynesis ("bowing by falling on one's face")


tribunate -- veto


Triumvirates: First (Crassus, Pompey, Caesar) & Second (Lepidus, Mark Antony, Octavian)

Virgil -- Aeneid

virtus ("uprightness," "virtue," "manliness"; cf. Gk aretê) -- fides ("faithfulness," "fidelity," "[good] faith") -- pietas ("respect [for authority]," "devotion," "responsibility," "righteousness") -- religio ("observance," "discipline," "worship")