Week III: ancient Greece

Key words list

acropolis ("upper city") -- Parthenon -- Elgin marbles -- agora

Aegean (sea)

agôn ("competition," "contest," "conflict," "game," "sport"; cf Eng antagonist)

Anatalia -- Asia Minor

(Greek) Archaic Period -- Dark Ages -- Classical Period / Golden Age -- Hellenistic Period

archon ("magistrate")

aretê ("excellence," "virtue," "manliness") -- aristoi ("the best") -- aristocratia ("rule by the best") -- ideal of leisure (cf. otium, Week IV)

Aristophanes -- Aeschylos -- Sophocles -- Euripides

Aristotle -- Politics -- Poetics -- matter (as opposed to pure form) -- logic -- syllogism -- 'law of the excluded middle'

Athens -- Athena -- Athenians


basileus (usually, "king")

Bronze & the Bronze Age -- Iron Age

capitals: Doric, Ionic & Corinthian -- frieze

Chaeronea (battle)

city-state -- polis (Gk; pl. poleis > Eng politics) -- civitas (Lat; pl. civitates > Eng civilisation)


debt slavery -- chattel slavery

Delphi -- Oracle

democracy ("rule by the dêmos") / politeia ("constitution") -- aristocracy ("rule by the best") / oligarchy ("rule by the few") -- monarchy ("single magistracy," i.e. kingship) / tyranny -- metabolê politeiôn ("cycle of constitutions")
[hint: if these terms don't look familiar at a 1st glance, review your readings of Aristotle and Polybius!]

demagogue -- Argos -- Sophist -- rhetoric

epic -- drama -- theatre -- mimesis -- tragedy -- hubris -- chorus -- dialogue -- comedy

Epic of Gilgamesh -- Noah's ark

erastês ("lover") -- erômenos ("beloved"; cf. erôs)

feud -- kin groups -- clans -- "organic" society -- atomised society

four elements (air, fire, earth, water)

gymnasion (lit. "the naked place"; pl. gymnasia)

Hellas ("Greece") -- Hellenes ("Greeks," Gk Ellenoi) -- Hellenic League -- Hellenistic ("Greek-like," modern term)

Herodotus -- Thucydides

hierarchy (lit. "sacred order")


Homer -- Troy -- Trojan War -- Iliad -- Odyssey -- Odysseus -- Penelope

hoplites -- phalanx -- trireme

infant exposure

khouros ("[statue of] young man," pl. khouroi) -- fem. khorê ("girl," pl. khorai)

Magna Graecia ("Great Greece" [which is in modern-day Italy, NB]) -- Sicily -- Syracuse


Minoan civilisation -- Crete -- palace society -- Knossos

Mycenaean civilisation -- megaron -- Linear A & Linear B (scripts)

mystery cults

Near East

nomos ("[manmade] law") -- physis ("[law of] nature")

Olympic Games -- stadion

ostrakon ("pot shard") -- ostracism

pan-Hellenic ("all Greek," designating something all Greeks -- and [allegedly] only Greeks -- have in common)

pantheon ("all of the gods")-- Hesiod -- Mount Olympus -- Chronos -- Gaia -- Zeus -- Hera -- Poseidon -- Apollo -- Athena -- Dionysius -- Aphrodite

Paradise -- Adam & Eve -- Pandora


Peloponnese -- isthmus -- Corinth -- Sparta -- Thebes

Peloponnesian War -- Delian League (a.k.a. Athenian 'empire') -- Pericles -- Alcibiades -- Thirty Tyrants

Persian Wars -- Hellenic League -- Marathon -- Darius I -- Xerxes I -- Thermopylae -- Salamis

philosophy ("love of wisdom") -- pre-Socratics -- Sophists ("wise guys") -- Heracleitus ("You can't step in the same river twice") -- logos -- Pythagoras -- logic -- Protagoras ("Man is the measure of all")

Phoenicians -- Carthage

Plato -- Socrates -- dialogues -- The Republic (Gk Politeia, more accurately: The Form of Government) -- guardians -- philosopher-king -- Forms/Ideas/Ideals/Essences -- kallipolis ("ideal polis")

pseudo- (as an attribute of an unknown author's name)

redistributive economy

Sappho of Lesbos

Sea Peoples

Solon (and his laws) -- Cleisthenes

Sparta -- Messenia -- helots -- Lycurgus -- laconic (adj.)

symposion (pl. symposia) -- hetaira ("female companion"; pl. hetairai)

zoon politikon ("an animal suited to life in a polis," i.e. Man)