Week XIII: new worlds

Key words list

Amerigo Vespucci

Anglicanism (cf. Tudors; Week XV) -- Gallicanism -- Sanction of Bourges -- Estates General

Ludovico Ariosto -- Orlando Furioso

Peace of Augsburg

Burgundy -- "theatre state" -- Philip the Good -- Charles the Bold

Calicut (Calcuta) -- porcelain ("china")

Calvinism (cf. Week XV)

Caribs -- Caribbean Islands (cf. cannibal, Caliban) -- Hispaniola

Baldassare Castiglione -- The Courtier

Christopher Columbus

conquistadores (Sp "conquerors")

corregidor (Sp "corrector") -- cortes

Hernán Cortés -- Aztec -- Tenochtitlán -- Mexico -- New Spain -- Francisco Pizarro -- Inca

court -- courtliness -- courtesy (cf. Castiglione; cortesia, Week XI)

czar / tsar (< caesar)

Ferdinand of Aragon -- Isabella of Castile -- "most Catholic monarchs" -- Kingdom of Spain -- conversos (Sp "converts") -- Spanish Inquisition -- Kingdom of Granada -- expulsion of Jews

Republic of Florence -- Medici (family) -- Cosimo de' Medici -- Lorenzo de' Medici ("the Magnificent") -- catasto (cf. Engl "cadastre": land registration census)

François (Francis) I -- Valois

Fuggers -- Jakob Fugger

galley -- lateen sail -- caravel -- portolan map


Habsburg -- Maximilian I -- Charles V -- Philip II (of Spain)

Hanseatic League -- Hanse

Italian Wars -- sack of Rome -- Treaty of Cateau-Cambrésis (cf. Habsburg, Valois)

Bartolomé de Las Casas

Leo Africanus

Lithuania -- Poland

Niccolò Machiavelli -- Mchiavellian (adj.) -- The Prince (cf. Week XII)

Ferdinand Magellan


Michelangelo Buonarroti -- Sistine Chapel (< Pope Sixtus IV)

Muscovy -- the "third Rome" -- Ivan III "the Great" -- Ivan IV "the Terrible" (cf. Week XV)

New Plymouth

the Northwest Passage

Ottomans -- Mehmet II "the Conqueror" -- Suleiman I "the Magnificent" (cf. Week XII)

Peasants' War (1525-26)

Philippines (< Philip II of Spain)

Portugal -- Prince Henry the Navigator

Prester John

Prospero -- Miranda -- Caliban -- Ariel -- Antonio -- Sebastian -- Alonso -- Gonzalo -- Stephano -- Trinculo

slavery -- slave trade

sugarcane -- tobacco - cocoa

Swiss Confederation

Teutonic order

Treaty of Tordesillas

Tudors -- Henry VII -- Henry VIII -- dissolution of monasteries -- enclosure movement -- Elizabeth I -- Mary Stuart (Queen of Scots) -- John Knox (cf. Week XV)

Vasco da Gama -- Cape of Good Hope

Republic of Venice -- doge (< L dux, "duke") -- Peace of Lodi -- contado (Ital "hinterland") -- Duchy of Milan -- Kingdom of Naples & Sicily -- "balance of powers" diplomacy -- resident ambassadors


War of the Roses -- House of Lancaster (red rose) -- House of York (white rose) -- Henry VII Tudor -- parliament (cf. Week XI)

West Indies