Week XII: the late Middle Ages & Renaissance

Key words list

(there are lots of proper names this week; I've tried to alphabetise them by the best-known form, so, e.g., Giovanni Pico della Mirandola appears under p ["Pico" is his surname, "Mirandola" the name of his hometown], Leonardo da Vinci is under l ["Vinci" is his hometown], but Jan van Eyck is under v [he is, incongruently, usually referred to as "Van Eyck"], Marsilius of Padua under m and Marsilio Ficino under f.)

Leon Battista Alberti

Avignon -- "Babylonian Captivity"

bank (from Ital banca, "bench")


Black Death -- (bubonic) plague -- animal husbandry

Giovanni Boccaccio -- Decameron

Bohemia -- university of Prague (cf. Jan Hus)

Book of Hours

Sandro Botticelli

Filippo Brunelleschi -- Florence duomo (It "dome [of the cathedral]")


buttons -- (eye) glasses

Conciliarism / conciliar movement -- Council of Pisa -- Council of Constance

Dante Alighieri -- The (Divine) Comedy


Marsilio Ficino

flagellants -- danse macabre (Fr "dance of death") -- violence against Jews -- Poland


fuero (Sp "charter of rights" < Lat forum "city square [i.e. where law is enacted]")


Great Famine (1315-1322)

Jean Froissart

Great Schism (of the West, 1378-1417; ≠ schism of 1054 btw Rome & Constantinople)

gunpowder -- cannon

humanism (from L studia humanitatis, "the pursuits / study of humankind") -- civic humanism

Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) -- Crécy (battle) -- Agincourt (battle) -- Orléans -- Calais

Jan Hus -- Hussites (cf. Conciliarism)

(letters of) indulgence -- plenary (= complete) indulgence -- purgatory

interdict -- excommunication

Jacquerie (prob'ly from Fr jacques used as a stereotypical peasant name) -- (English) Peasants' Revolt -- poll tax -- Wat Tyler & John Ball -- Ciompi uprising

Joan of Arc ("the maid of Orléans") -- Henry V of England -- Charles VII of France (cf. dauphin)

Leonardo da Vinci

Ambroggio Lorenzetti -- Siena -- Buon Governo (Ital "good government") -- concordia ("concord," lit. "joint [with a single] cord")

Niccolò Machiavelli -- The Prince (cf. Week XIII)

Marsilius of Padua -- The Defender of the Peace (L Defensor Pacis)

mercenaries / free companies -- men-at-arms -- standing army -- crossbows -- longbows -- jousting -- chivalry (cf. Burgundy)

William of Ockham -- Ockham's razor -- nominalism -- realism -- John XXII

Ottoman (Turks) -- sultan -- Osman I -- Mehmed II -- Istanbul -- infidels -- Kosovo (battle) -- janissaries (cf. Week XIII)

perspective (a.k.a. visual or scientific perspective)

Petrarch (Francesco Petrarca) -- poet laureate

Giovanni Pico (della Mirandola)

piazza (Ital "city square"; cf. plaza)

polyphony -- Josquin des Prez -- Johannes Ockeghem

Renaissance (Fr "rebirth"; cf. L renovatio, "renewal") -- tripartite chronology: Antiquity, Middle Ages, Modernity

William Shakespeare

Jan van Eyck

Giorgio Vasari

wonderful blood (of Christ; cf. Eucharist, Week XI)

John Wycliffe -- Lollards