Lectures: TR 11:40-12:55 pm (HLS 401)
notes will be placed on the course website.
There are no required texts. Some good and
somewhat relevant texts are:
Lasers and Photonic Integrated Circuits
by L. A. Coldren, S. W. Corzine
(2) Physics of Optoelectronic Devices
by S. L. Chuang
(3) Electronic
and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Structures by Jasprit
(4) Semiconductor
Device Fundamentals
by Robert F. Pierret
There will be a midterm
exam and a final exam.
About 35% homework, 25% midterm, and 35% final exam and 5% instructor discretion.
a) A course in quantum mechanics.
b) a course in electromagnetic radiation (like ECE3030).
c) a course in semiconductor device physics (like ECE4570) or solid state physics (like ECE4070) .
These are strong prereqs. Students not meeting
any one of these prereqs should not take this course