FERDI SENIOR FELLOW: Foundation for International Development Study and Research (FERDI), Clermont-Ferrand, France IZA RESEARCH FELLOW: Forschungsinstitut zur Zukunft der Arbeit (Institute for the Study of Labor) (IZA), Bonn, Germany FACULTY FELLOW: Cornell Institute of Social Sciences Cornell Atkinson Center for a Sustainable Future FACULTY AFFILIATE: Cornell Center for the Study of Inequality Cornell Population Center Institute on Health Economics, Health Behaviors and Disparities FACULTY ASSOCIATE: Institute of African Development Cornell International Institute for Food, Agriculture and Development CORNELL GRADUATE FIELDS: Applied Economics & Management Economics International Development Nutrition Policy Analysis & Management Demography |
CONTACT INFORMATION: Cornell University 3103A MVR Hall Ithaca, New York 14853 Phone: 607/255-8931 Fax: 607/255-0178 Email: David.Sahn@cornell.edu CURRICULUM VITA COMPLETE LIST OF PUBLICATIONS RECENT PUBLICATIONS:"Starting Strong: Investigating the Importance of Early Academic Performance for Adult Human Capital," Journal of African Economies, forthcoming (co-authors: Heidi Kaila and Naveen Sunder). "Cognitive Achievement Production in Madagascar: A Value-Added Model Approach." Education Economics 29 (6): 670–99, June 2021 (co-author: Frédéric Aubery). "Childhood Determinants of Internal Youth Migration in Senegal." Demographic Research 43: Article 45, 1335–66, November 2020, DOI: 10.4054/DemRes.2020.43.45 (co-author: Catalina Herrera-Almanza). "The Role of Weather on Schooling and Work of Young Adults in Madagascar." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 101 (4): 1203–27, July 2019 (co-authors: Francesca Marchetta and Luca Tiberti). "Teen Fertility and Female Employment Outcomes: Evidence from Madagascar." Journal of African Economies, 28 (3): 277–303, June 2019 (co-authors: Catalina Herrera Almanza and Kira Villa). "Early Childbearing, School Attainment and Cognitive Skills: Evidence from Madagascar." Demography 2018, 55(2): 643–68, 2018 (co-author: Catalina Herrera Almanza). "The Incidence of Child Health Improvements," Review of Development Economics 21 (2): 304–320, 2017 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "An Incidence Analysis of Recent Child Health and Education Improvements in Africa" In Poverty Reduction in the Course of African Development edited by Machiko Nissanke and Muna Ndulo. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Household Shocks and Education Investment in Madagascar," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 78(6): 792–813, December 2016 (co-authors: Peter J. Glick and Thomas F. Walker). "Pro-Poor Policies in Sudan and South Sudan: Distributional Impact of Public Spending and Taxation," African Development Review 28(S2): 191–218, October 2016 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "The Role of Education and Family Background in Marriage, Childbearing, and Labor Market Participation in Senegal," Economic Development and Cultural Change 64(2): 369–403, 2016 (co-author: Francesca Marchetta). "Schooling, Marriage, and Age at First Birth in Madagascar," Population Studies, 69(2): 219–236, 2015 (co-authors: Peter J. Glick and Christopher Handy). The Fight Against Hunger and Malnutrition: The Role of Food, Agriculture, and Targeted Policies. Editor. Oxford University Press, 2015. "Is Food the Answer to Malnutrition?" In Oxford Handbook of Food, Agriculture and Society, edited by Ronald J. Herring. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. "Public and Private Returns to Investing in Nutrition." In Oxford Handbook of Economics and Human Biology, edited by John Komlos. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015 (co-author: Harold Alderman). "Nutrition, Health, and Economic Performance."In Encyclopedia of Health Economics, edited by Anthony J. Culyer, Oxford: Elsevier, 2014. "Health Challenges in Africa." In The Oxford Companion to the Economies of Africa, edited by Ernest Aryeetey, Shanta Devarajan, Ravi Kanbur, and Louis Kasekende. Oxford University Press, 2012. "Household Water Supply Choice and Time Allocated to Water Collection: Evidence from Madagascar," Journal of Development Studies 47(12): 1826-1850, December, 2011 (co-authors: Christopher Boone and Peter Glick). "Comparing Population Distributions from Bin-aggregated Sample Data: An Application to Historical Height Data from France," Economics & Human Biology 9(4):419-437, December 2011 (co-authors: Jean-Yves Duclos and Josée Leblanc). "Family Background, School Characteristics and Children’s Cognitive Achievement in Madagascar," Education Economics 19(4):363-396, September 2011 (co-authors: Peter Glick and Jean Claude Randrianarisoa). "Partial Multidimensional Inequality Orderings," Journal of Public Economics 95:(3–4):225-238, April, 2011 (co-authors: Jean-Yves Duclos and Stephen D. Younger). The Socioeconomic Dimensions of HIV/AIDS in Africa: Challenges, Opportunities, and Misconceptions. Editor. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2010. "Inequality and Poverty in Africa in an Era of Globalization: Looking Beyond Income to Health and Education" In The Poor under Globalization in Asia, Latin America, and Africa, edited by Machiko Nissanke and Erik Thorbecke. Oxford University Press, July 2010 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Early Academic Performance, Grade Repetition, and School Attainment in Senegal: A Panel Data Analysis." World Bank Economic Review 24(1): 93-120, January, 2010 (co-author: Peter J. Glick). "Explaining Stunting in Nineteenth Century France," Economic History Review 63(2): 315-334, May, 2010 (co-author: Gilles Postel-Vinay). "Living Standards in Africa." In Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty, edited by Sudhir Anand, Paul Segal, and Joseph E. Stiglitz. Oxford University Press, 2009 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Weights on the Rise: Where and for Whom?" Journal of Economic Inequality 7(4): 351-370, December, 2009. "Cognitive Skills among Children in Senegal: Disentangling the Roles of Schooling and Family Background," Economics of Education Review 28(2): 178-188, April, 2009 (co-author: Peter Glick). "Measuring Intra-Household Inequality: Explorations Using the Body Mass Index," Health Economics 18(S1): S13-S36, April 2009 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Are Africans Practicing Safer Sex: Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys for Eight Countries," Economic Development and Cultural Change 56(2):397-439, January, 2008 (co-author: Peter Glick). "Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons with Discrete Indicators of Well-being." In Inequality and Poverty Re-examined, edited by Stephen P. Jenkins and John Micklewright. Oxford University Press, 2007 (co-authors: Jean-Yves Duclos and Stephen D. Younger). "The Joint Demand for Health Care, Leisure, and Commodities: Implications for Health Care Finance and Access in Vietnam," Journal of Development Studies 43(8):1475-1500, November 2007 (co-authors: Chad D. Meyerhoefer and Stephen D. Younger). "Estimating the Consequences of Unintended Fertility for Child Health and Education in Romania: An Analysis Using Twins Data," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 69(5): 667-691, October, 2007 (co-authors: Peter J. Glick and Alessandra Marini). "Changes in HIV/AIDS Knowledge And Testing Behavior In Africa: How Much and for Whom?" Journal of Population Economics 20(2):383-422, April 2007 (co-author: Peter Glick). "Changes in Inequality and Poverty in Latin America: Looking Beyond Income," Journal of Applied Economics IX(2):215-234, November, 2006 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Robust Multidimensional Poverty Comparisons," Economic Journal 116(514):943-968, 2006 (co-authors: Jean-Yves Duclos and Stephen Younger). "Robust Multidimensional Spatial Poverty Comparisons in Ghana, Madagascar, and Uganda," World Bank Economic Review 20(1):91-113, 2006 (co-authors: Jean-Yves Duclos and Stephen D. Younger). "The Demand for Primary Schooling in Madagascar: Price, Quality, and the Choice between Public and Private Providers," Journal of Development Economics 79(1):118-145, 2006 (co-author: Peter Glick). "Consistent Estimation of Panel Censored Demand Systems," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(3):660-672, 2005. (co-authors: Chad Meyerhoefer and Christine R. Ranney). "Improvements in Childrens Health: Does Inequality Matter?" Journal of Economic Inequality 3(2):125-143, 2005 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Socioeconomic Determinants of Childrens Health in Russia: A Longitudinal Study" Economic Development and Cultural Change 53(2):479-500, 2005 (co-author: Leonid Federov). "Intertemporal Female Labor Force Behavior in a Developing Country: What Can We Learn from a Limited Panel?" Labour Economics 12(1):23-45, 2005 (co-author: Peter Glick). "Exploring Alternative Measures of Welfare in the Absence of Expenditure Data," Review of Income and Wealth 49(4):463-489, 2003 (co-author: David C. Stifel). "Decomposing World Health Inequality," Journal of Health Economics 22(2):271-293, 2003 (co-authors: Menno Pradhan and Stephen Younger). "The Demand for Health Care Services in Rural Tanzania," Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 65(2):241-260, 2003 (co-authors: Stephen D. Younger and Garance Genicot). "Progress Toward the Millenium Development Goals in Africa," World Development 31(1):23-52, January, 2003 (co-author: David C. Stifel) "Robust Comparisons of Malnutrition in Developing Countries," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84(3):716-735, August, 2002 (co-author: David C. Stifel). "Expenditure Incidence in Africa: Microeconomic Evidence," Fiscal Studies 21(3):329-347, 2000 (co-author: Stephen D. Younger). "Dominance Testing of Transfers in Romania," Review of Income and Wealth 46(3)309-327, 2000 (September) (co-authors: Stephen Younger and Kenneth Simler). "A General Equilibrium Analysis of the Effect of Macroeconomic Adjustment on Poverty in Africa," Journal of Policy Modeling 22(6):753-776, 2000 (co-author: Paul A. Dorosh). "Schooling of Girls and Boys in a West African Country: The Effects of Parental Education, Income, and Household Structure," Economics of Education Review 19(1):63-87, 2000, (co-author: Peter Glick). COURSES:
Last updated 3 October 2023 |