Objective: "Design is not a thing, it is a way".
(Jack Elliott derived from Elbert Hubbard)

The purpose of this project is to reinforce the positive role that the documentation activity plays in the learning and design processes both as a record and as an aid to thinking and creating.
Description: Keep a record of your ideas and activities as they pertain to all of the activities as they occur throughout the term in a course binder. Include lecture notes, reading summaries, research findings, design developments, presentation notes, articles, images, whatever is appropriate for the class from a variety of media over the course of the semester. At the end of the term, review this material and enhance or clarify the images or texts wherever appropriate to improve the overall organization and appearance of the binder. This work should serve as a public record of your design process.
Material: sustainable binder and print media.

Deadline: MVR E308 17:00 May 14, 2002.

Grading: Quantity: 4/10 Proficiency: 4/10 Aesthetics: 2/10